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October 22-23, 2021

Westin Galleria, Houston TX

The First Annual Airway is Life Summit. For highly trained and motivated dental professionals incorporating sleep dentistry into their practices. Dr. Tran presented on Collaborative Care in Sleep Medicine.

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November 23, 2021

Airway Circle Zoom/Clubhouse

Dr. Tran discusses how he collaborates with like-minded airway professionals and how to involve ENT physicians into the airway and sleep team. 


November 29, 2021

In this episode, Hallie talks with Christopher Tran, MD, an ENT specializing in sleep and airway management. They discuss how ENT’s are by default “airway-centric” yet not every ENT views upper airway obstruction through the same lens. They also discuss the signs and symptoms present in pediatric and adult patients with sleep disordered breathing, the importance of collaboration and teamwork and the polarizing effect of tongue ties and tethered oral tissues.

Listen to podcast here

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September 2023

NASA, Webster TX

The Second Annual Airway is Life Summit. For highly trained and motivated dental professionals incorporating sleep dentistry into their practices. Dr. Tran presented on Collaborative Care in Sleep Medicine.

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April 2023

Integration of ankyloglossia and nasal breathing treatments into ENT evaluation and management of compromised airway dynamics: a brief introduction

Dr. Tran discusses various ENT nasal and oral interventions and how to integrate ENT physicians into the airway and sleep team. 

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DEMYSTIFYING FIBROMYALGIA: A Collaborative Multidisciplinary Healthcare Symposium - Role of Tethered Oral Tissues in Myofascial Strain

October 2023

Dr. Tran discusses the connection between tethered oral tissues, sleep disordered breathing, chronic pain, and myofascial strain. He also introduces a novel physical examination test that predicts myofascial strain improvements with vestibular tie releases.

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